Inspiring Creativity and Aspirations with Kibera Fashion Week

Recap of the Kibera Fashion Week affirmative workshop for children and teenagers


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Day 1: Unleashing Creativity for Children

On Saturday, 8th July, children aged 12 and under gathered at the workshop venue, ready to embark on a creative journey. Led by the experienced team at Maasai Mbili, the children were encouraged to explore various artistic mediums, including coloring and drawing. However, the highlight of the day was the unique fashion statement activity, where the participants used offcuts to create beautiful boards.

Under the guidance of the workshop facilitators, an open and non-directive approach was adopted, allowing each child to freely express their imagination and showcase their artistic talents. Throughout the day, the workshop witnessed a myriad of artistic pieces taking shape. The children's enthusiasm and creativity were palpable, as they diligently crafted their boards into remarkable works of art

Day 2: Empowering Teenagers through Affirmative Art

On Sunday, 9th July, it was the teenagers' turn to engage in an empowering artistic experience. The focus of the day was Affirmative Art, a transformative practice aimed at helping individuals manifest their dreams by visualizing them on paper. The workshop commenced with interactive activities, including mapping out their current state of being and envisioning their future selves.

With the guidance of the Maasai mbili team, the teenagers wholeheartedly embraced the exercise, showcasing remarkable creativity in depicting their dreams in their own unique ways. Each participant was given the freedom to express themselves authentically, allowing for a diverse range of artistic representations. The workshop instilled a sense of inspiration and encouraged the teenagers to dream big, reinforcing the belief that their aspirations are valid and attainable.

Through a range of engaging activities, the children and teenager's were able to tap into their creativity, express themselves freely, and embrace their aspirations. The Kibera Fashion Week team, through their dedication and expertise, has made a significant contribution to the growth and development of these budding artists, creating a mentorship program where few exist.