Painters and artists are the masters of their craft. We take a look at some of the pieces exhibited at Nairobi Design Week 2023 through various forms and techniques, bringing a unique touch to their artwork.
KATA KATA is an idea that explores and demystifies art ownership through bidding and workshop exercises, using charcoal as a drawing tool, raw canvas and paints to express their work, Kata Kata Nje exhibited their art where our visitors could touch, fold and interact with their art.
Gordon Luchini preconception of the design ideas and their subsequent realization was expressed through his art exploration on the human form. The pieces brought to life an intricate study of anatomical forms.
Harrison Karanja Kiuru "scopt" exhibited his artworks pieces within a series named "Strength and its Diversions"
Richard Onyango Ochieng exhibited two pieces titled 'No prejudice' and was expressing his vision of a united nation beyond ethnicity and his second piece 'Eyes on the sugar' appreciating the beauty in different forms.
Cover image credits to Richard Onyango